Well, this post is LONG overdue, but here we go!
Three weekends ago, I went to the premier of Bill Cunningham New York at the Crest Theater. The movie was AMAZING. Everyone needs to see it, whether you're in to fashion or not.
I'm going to do a post about the documentary soon. I just have so much to say...it was so much amazingness in one film.
But the other great part about the night was everything that came before the movie.
Of course, I HAD to get dressed for Bill :)
Three weekends ago, I went to the premier of Bill Cunningham New York at the Crest Theater. The movie was AMAZING. Everyone needs to see it, whether you're in to fashion or not.
I'm going to do a post about the documentary soon. I just have so much to say...it was so much amazingness in one film.
But the other great part about the night was everything that came before the movie.
Of course, I HAD to get dressed for Bill :)

The Crest theater is SOOOO amazingly gorgeous. I was just walking around like :o...
It was also great because before the movie, there was a trunk show in the lobby of the theater with a bunch of local shop owners. It's been so great meeting everyone and becoming part of the fashion community here.
It was also great because before the movie, there was a trunk show in the lobby of the theater with a bunch of local shop owners. It's been so great meeting everyone and becoming part of the fashion community here.
Oh but how could I forget the tutu? Probably my favorite clothing item I have ever owned. I firmly believe that every girl should own a tutu. Because it's impossible to be sad in a tutu. If I'm ever feeling down, I'm just going to slip it on and think of candy and bunnies and kitties and baby laughter :]

Unfortunately, I was really lame and didn't take hardly any pictures of the event :/ But if you go here to Nikki's blog, she did a great post on it and has lots o' pictures :)
All in all, twas an incredible night. I had SO much fun.
Hopefully this will start a revolution of street fashion in Sacramento!!
HAHA I'll never forget when I was leaving, feeling all jazzed and corageous, when some girls drove by and one said "giiiiiirrrl, wach' you wearin'!?!" haha it was priceless!